Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Barry Littleton – The “Forces,” Back-Engineering and the 2020 Shift



Barry Littleton - alien abductee goes deep on the forces at work during this 2020 shift and more! https://youtu.be/hlzvAlQ1dzg Barry Littleton is no stranger to “high strangeness.” A long time experiencer of physical alien abduction, rather than just accept his experiences as an odd and mysterious component to his life, he’s been determined to understand the dynamics of UFO craft and their occupants; how they operate, their symbiosis with planet earth and with humans, and how non human intelligence MAY be using this planet to control some of their craft with materials taken from terra firma and other elements including water. A true student of science, Barry Littleton has put together a stunning thesis about these ideas along with exploring the possibility that there are indeed “dark forces” that are also playing an integral role in that which we are experiencing now (as of June 2020). How are these “forces” from “other worlds” getting through? What does portal technology have to do with it all? And what