Keepin It Real With Janean

A Wake Up Call For Us All w/ Cynthia Lazaroff



Scattered around the world, under the control of opposing nations, exists some fifteen thousand nuclear weapons. There are Ten steps we can take to reduce the nuclear risk so humanity can survive our planet’s most dangerous time! Get involved, the planet needs you! I was awakened to the gravity of the nuclear danger by my mentor and professor Richard Falk as an undergraduate at Princeton and became deeply concerned about the risk of a nuclear war between the US and USSR. I wanted to go and meet the “enemy” for myself and made my first trip to Russia in 1978 at the height of the Cold War as an exchange student at Leningrad State University. I made dear friends. They were not the enemy stereotype in U.S. media. They were people whom I found delightful, whom I came to love... Cynthia Lazaroff is a U.S.-Russian relations expert and an award-winning documentary filmmaker.  Cynthia is engaged in diplomacy and mediation efforts with Russia and has founded groundbreaking U.S.-Russian exchange initiatives since