Croncast Season 10 | Life Is Show Prep

Croncast - Amy and her friend Kris Ep. 2



Croncast - 2004-12-21.mp3 Length: 46:50 Format: mp3 Bit rate: 64k Size: 21.4 mb Croncast - Amy and her friend Kris Ep. 2 Today's guest is Amy Gahran from The blog post that started it all, The Pod People Are So Human. The follow up, Text, Audio, and Editing: I Stand Somewhat Corrected. Today, Amy and I delve into women in podcasting, technology and interface design for women. We also talk about podcasting use in education. This show was plagued by technical difficulties so there are abrupt cuts. I left them in to demonstrate a little bit of how difficult it can be to use new technologies to perform. I am starting to believe that maybe it is just Windows. My Mac compatriots seem to be handling this stuff better with their MobilePre's while mine wants to flake out if more than three applications are running. Today's Show Notes soon (I have to write some code). ">