
9: Blogging, Business And Bad-assery With Gala Darling



In episode 9 on #MerryBiz we chat with author, teacher, and speaker originally from New Zealand, now living it up in New York City. In her early twenties, she was completely miserable and thought the fastest way to fulfilment was to simply stop eating. She overcame her sense of self-loathing and discovered the bad-assery of happiness. She now dedicates her life to helping other women fall in love with themselves, too. She blogs about how there's magic around every corner.Writes books which show women how beautiful they are. And speaks about finding your voice and blazing your own trail... and she does it all in sequins! Published author and co-founder of The Blogcademy and Miracle Worker online programs. We are SO excited to welcome the one and only Gala Darling to MerryBiz! Take a listen!  #MERRYBIZ SHOW NOTES  Some questions we ask...  What does Radical Self Love mean? How and why did you start blogging 9 years ago? Is there a line you don't cross when it comes to sharing your personal life online? Tell us