
201: how to stop procrastinating and stop making excuses



Do you find yourself forever procrastinating and making excuses? Has something been on your goals list for what seems forever and you just can't seem to make any progress?You see we are both great at getting results and great at procrastinating so we have a high level of experience (hehe).If you're completely over your excuses and you're ready to see and feel results, tune in to this Get Merry podcast episode.“You can have results or excuses. Not both.” Stuff we talked about…How it's natural for humans to make excuses and procrastinate. But it doesn't mean it's a good thing!The most common things we all make excuses for: exercise, work and career success, relationships, social life, eating healthy, family time, learning and development... oh wait. Everything.How we do one thing is how we do everything!How to stop procrastinating and stop making excuses.What are the most common excuses? No time, too tired, not educated enough, I have to look after the kids, born in the wrong era, not enough money, there's too