
212: stop acting dumb to make people like you



Do you ever act less intelligent to make people like you more? We'd never thought about it until we read that it's actually a common thing women do. Then we realised we both used to do this often. It's time to stop acting dumb to make people like you. Stuff we talked about…We both remember acting dumb in high school to be liked by boys. Carla talks about her bullying and how she began to hide her intelligence as people were so mean to her throughout primary/high school/TAFE and even the workplace. Carla is reading the book Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, we chat about this (if you have not read it get your copy!).We are opening up the conversation, send us your stories! We want to learn more about feminism and gender equality. Email us hello@getmerry.com or get in touch via social media.If you loved this episode and know someone who might benefit from tuning in, please share it with them. Not only will it help them, it will help us too. We are forever grateful for YOU!  See acast.com