
222: have you stopped exercising? Here's how to begin again



Have you stopped exercising? What do you think and feel when we mention exercise? Does it create a sense of dread in your body? Do you feel a hint of guilt or shame because you don't exercise? It's something you know you should do but you just can't stand it... so why would you? Maybe the word exercise instantly brings back horrible memories. You slogging away on the treadmill. You getting picked last on the sports team. Maybe it reminds you of your continual 'failing' of health kicks. Maybe you just think about all the fit/beautiful/slender Instagram models and influencers in their perfect active ware and you feel completely inadequate. Yeh. We get it. We see you, we feel you. We love you (true freaking story).When you stop exercising it's hard to begin again.But it is possible to begin again and it's 100% possible to create a way of exercise that you love.Stuff we talked about…Stop being so hard on yourself! Get out of the toxic world of exercise. There's another way! Focus on your techn