
226: the power of rituals and intentions



Rituals welcome in a sense of sacredness. They connect us to something bigger, they add magic to life.Whether you know about them or not, every single day you perform rituals. You wake up and you get out of bed, maybe you order your coffee, you make your brekky, you say hi to your work colleagues, you tick off your to-do list. Yes, every day you do many tasks that are done every single day. The cool thing is that we can link our everyday actions to an intention and this creates a ritual.Stuff we talk about…Rituals will help you reach your goals in a more joy-filled way.We create our new weekly money ritual.Carla chats about her meditation ritual... and she shares her new favourite mantras.Our predicted themes of 2020.Ahh so much, this episode was FUN!If you loved this episode please rate and review the episode on iTunes or share the episode with someone you love.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.