Transformerende Meditasjoner (no)

Meditation for the Water



Without water, there is no life on earth. Water is essential, not just for human life but all life. Water is needed for drinking, cleaning, washing, and making crops grow. There is no substitute for this precious resource, and yet we waste it, we pollute it, and we even commodify it! Let's start anew, and begin by thanking for and sending our best intentions to the gift that is water. Music: TRUECOLORS MARIE - DEEP Healing Water Sounds With Meditation Music 432Hz - Producing our meditations costs time and money. We want to offer our meditations for free for as long as possible and will be very grateful for a donation. The money goes to Transformational Guide Seb ( PayPal: BitCoin or Keys: 3PMeibnKN7P3Zph29SYjhpTKfv4p6jJrsop DASH: XhmTquGsZeXmptPmoifB6NeEk1VAxiBdB1