Beyond Your Wildest Genes

[BYWG PODCAST] How I got off of A Laundry List of Psych Meds and Defied My Diagnoses



[BYWG PODCAST] How I got off of A Laundry List of Psych Meds and Defied My Diagnoses Dana is a FORMER negative bonding, gossiping, people hating, crippled by anxiety, codependent (but very funny) B&^%*. She radically transformed her life after joining a MLM and became aligned with her purpose: To coach women who are where she was to no longer define themselves by their diagnosis and to reclaim their power Her training and experience is diverse. She has a BA in Creative Writing from Pratt Institute, is a Certified Teacher and Life Coach. She is very close to 500 Hours of Functional Yoga Teacher Training and has completed levels I & II of Neurosculpting Meditation Training. For over a decade she served thousands of incarcerated and addicted individuals in both the for profit and non-profit sectors as an educator and a manager. During that time she received extensive mental health, trauma related, and crisis intervention training. More importantly, she is in the trenches with you! Since her pre-teen years, sh