Survival Medicine

Survival Medicine Podcast: Tourniquet Principles



Recently, Dr. Alton was asked to write an article on tourniquets for the highly popular Survivor’s Edge magazine, a great read if ever there was one. Most people know at this point how to place a tourniquet, but there are some principles you may not know about hemorrhage and how to stop it using this life-saving device. The risk of hemorrhage from traumatic injury is always a possibility, whether it’s due to a motor vehicle accident, a work mishap, civil unrest, or the zombie apocalypse. A major arterial bleed, if untreated, can cause a victim to be beyond medical help in just a few short minutes. The bleeding may be so severe that emergency medical personnel arrive too late to help.  Dr. Alton outlines more than a dozen important points that must be understand to properly stop hemorrhage with tourniquets. Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad, Joe Alton MD    Amy Alton APRN Learn more about bleeding and 150 other medical topics with a copy of the Survival Medicine Handbook's award-winning