Customer Centric Marketing For Business With Dan Macinnis

Chris Risdon "the Journeyman Interview"



Chris Risdon is a thought-leader in the customer experience and service design space.Chris has been designing digital products and services since 1996. He specializes in user experience strategy, information architecture and communication and interaction design. I was so delighted to interview Chris after following his work at AdaptivePath where he is described as follows: "Chris's journeyman path has helped shape his belief that an interdisciplinary approach to design enables people to have compelling and useful experiences with the products and services around them." This methodology was so interesting to me as a customer centric marketer, that I just had to speak with Chris. Chris's discusses experience mapping, customer touch points and how this methodology is evolving as a way to test a companies value proposition and culture about becoming customer focused. Resources: Chris website Chris's Slideshare