Customer Centric Marketing For Business With Dan Macinnis

Jeanne Bliss - Customer Experience Expert



Jeanne Bliss is a guru in customer experience. Customer Bliss her website is packed full of great ideas and tools to help your business because more customer centric. Jeanne's book I love you more than your dog identifies 5 key decisions to make your business a beloved company. You know that sort of company that you tell your friends about. (threadless, zappos, moo, zipcar, modcloth, freshbooks, netflix, lands end, aussie farmers, grill'd, lorna jane, gapingvoid, mailchimp, nudie, incase). These companies: Reveal who they are and aren't and make decisions on that basis They decide to believe their customers and employees and trust underpins their actions They have clarity of purpose and know how they support customers. They deliver on that promise. They are real and authentic. They have a personality and the collective employees can shine through. They decide to be there and operationally commit to creating a reliable customer experience They say sorry when they get it wrong because mistakes happen Resource