Survival Medicine

Survival Medicine Podcast: Riot Survival, Suture Choices



As Free Speech advocates, we support the people’s right to protest and make their opinions heard. Unfortunately, demonstrations in the U.S. these days are becoming more frequent and violent. After a short break due to the pandemic, people are again out in the streets. Some have legitimate concerns; others, however, have bad intentions. How can you stay safe if you get caught in the middle of civil unrest? Dr. Joe Alton gives his thoughts. With the violence we’ve seen in major cities, I’m sure there are quite a few people, especially law enforcement officers, that wound up getting hit by a brick or other projectile, and wound needing stitches. Lacerations of the skin can occur off the grid in survival scenarios, too, but there’s no hospital ready to close the wound. It’s up to the family medic, and that person needs to have a working knowledge of, not just how to throw a stitch, but when a wound should stay open due to risk of infection, and what type of suture materials would be best for the purpose. Some ba