Survival Medicine

Survival Medicine Podcast: UV Germicidal Irradiation; Tornadoes, More



In the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, extreme shortages of personal protection equipment (PPE) have been a major issue for medical workers and home caregivers. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognize the problem, publishing guidelines for the extended use and limited reuse of disposable face masks and other materials. For those who didn’t include masks in their medical preps, the government says that homemade cloth masks or bandannas are acceptable, all after first saying that they weren’t effective a while ago. In this episode, Dr. Joe Alton discusses the use of UV germicidal irradiation to battle COVID-19. Also, Dr. Alton takes a break from COVID-19 to discuss natural disasters. Every year in the United States, we go through various natural disasters. During Spring, tornadoes become some of the most common deadly events in certain parts of the country. In Lee county, Alabama, a violent storm took the lives of 23 people. Unlike hurricanes, tornadoes are unpredictable and always a possib