Talk To A Doc

Talk to a Doc with Kim Knight on the role of emotions in health – 009



In this episode Katya interviews Kim Knight about the role emotions play in creating illness. Unless and until we discover the cause of a problem, we cannot implement strategies for a solution. Katya and Kim also discuss the importance of healthy balanced diet for proper emotional wellbeing. You will learn about the connection between real health and emotions and what you can do stay balanced in mind and body. Kim Knight, aka ‘the kiwi health detective’, is a health and personal development coach based in Auckland, New Zealand specializing in 3 core areas of health: Recovery from chronic illnesses often deemed ‘incurable’, all achieved naturally without medication or supplements Management and eradication of stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia without medication or supplements Clearing emotional trauma and mastering emotional wellbeing If Kim was to summarise in one sentence what she does, she would probably say ‘give people their life back’. Kim is trained in a number of cutting-edge therapies inc