Survival Medicine

Survival Medicine Podcast: Home Care for COVID-19 Patients, More



COVID-19 tests are now available in larger numbers in the U.S. and the numbers of positives are jumping as a result. That means that it’s the testing that identifying the numbers that are there already, not that there are necessarily factors that are making the virus more contagious. Dr. Joe Alton and Amy Alton ARNP discuss numbers relating to cases and death rates, plus what it will take for Chloroquine, alone or in combination with other drugs or minerals, to be considered an effective remedy against the virus.  Plus, a discussion of official guidelines for caring of COVID-19 patients at home. Yes, even the government understands that overcrowded and understaffed hospitals may not be the best place for some of the milder cases of COVID-19, so they've put together advice that will help the home caregiver give sick patients the best chance of recovery. All this and more on the latest Survival Medicine Podcast with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy... Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,   The Alton