Iv League Mindset

Episode 20 - Season 1 Recap



This is the final episode for season 1.  Hawk and Dan do a recap of all the guests they had on this season.  Check out their links below. Teresa - Instagram @striveforexcellence_360   Cory Bannon - Instagram @fitclubbootcamps @corybannon Facebook - FitClub Bootcamps www.fitclubbootcamps.ca Jillian Best - Instagram @jillian_best Shawn Colberg - Instagram @colbergs Zsolt Racz www.tripsauto.ca  Huot - Instagram @huotiv Summer - Instagram @summah007 Find us: @ivleaguemindset Facebook - IV League Mindset YouTube - IV League Mindset Hawk - @hawkdation Dan - @dandilullo