Tim Pangburn Podcast

8: Be your own hero



Be your own hero. Don't hold others on a pedestal, because you will inevitably learn that they are a flawed and faulty person like everyone else. Take the traits you admire about that person, and work to instill them in yourself. We tend to have expectations of people that are created solely on our belief about them. This discounts the fact that they are just another person trying to find their way. What they do or say or want in life may be wildly different than what you expect of them. Avoid letdown by not placing any expectation on someone until you've gotten to know them, and even then, don't be surprised if they don't meet that expectation. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.