Tim Pangburn Podcast

Sometimes the bad guy wins: navigating uncomfortable truths



Too often, we don’t want to deal with truths we think are uncomfortable or unhappy. The thing is, ignoring them causes more damage than just facing them and accepting them. In this video, I dismantle the myth of good always triumphing over evil. Read the accompanying blog below! https://www.timpangburn.com/sometimes-the-bad-guy-wins/ Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.