Tim Pangburn Podcast

Take Credit: own your achievements



So, to be up front, this was definitely recorded because I’m an atheist. It’s about giving yourself the credit you deserve, especially in sobriety. I believe that attributing achievements and other good things in life to god is insulting. It discredits hard work, and it forces the assumption that if you are not experiencing success, then god must not be working for you. I think it’s time we embrace our own success and power. If you have achieved something, YOU did it. There’s no divine intervention at play, just your own skill, willpower, and commitment to your goal. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.