Love And Laughter With Beth

56: 06/02/2018 Why Everyone Needs a little Burlesque



Do you want an easy way to avoid BMS? (That’s Boring Married Sex for those of you new to our show.) Or do you just long for a little extra dose of exuberant, sexy romance in your life? Do you know what burlesque is? Have you seen a burlyq show? Wondered what the appeal is? Would you be surprised that watching burlesque, or even trying a few moves of your own at home, can create more passionate excitement in your life and relationship? And increase confidence in your own body image? Here’s the surprising truth… there is a lot of sexy power in Burlesque and on Love and Laughter with Beth, you can learn to harness some of it yourself, whether you are male or female, solo or partnered, no matter where you live. Because even if you can’t go see a show… you can create your own private performance… even if it’s just for your eyes only… Want to know how? And why? That’s what Beth and Bobby Duncan find out on this show with guest Kiki Maroon, international award winning Burlesque performer, producer of The Bu