Transform With Dr. Maggie Yu

Case Study: Children with PANDAS, gut issues, tics, psychiatric issues can’t be helped right?



Kate Byars is here to talk about her son, Eli, going through the Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program. Eli started showing symptoms of PANDAS about a year ago, and after a bit of a journey, Kate eventually found Dr. Yu because he wasn’t getting the help that he needed from regular doctors. Dr. Yu inquires about what life was like for Kate and her family a year ago. Kate recalls that before she ever saw the ticks of PANDAS in Eli, she saw the behavior without realizing it was a sign of the disease. Kate admits that she was dismissive about the behavior, attributing it to Eli just being a temperamental little boy. He would have trouble self-regulating his anger, being unable to get rid of it. The more it escalated, the more difficult it was for the family to deal with. After noticing ticks, Kate took Eli to a local pediatrician who works with a lot of children with PANDAS and is known for her success with them. The doctor said to give Eli some fish oil and vitamin D, and provided a prescription for an