Transform With Dr. Maggie Yu

Case Study: Why do hormones matter so much in autoimmune conditions and how do you master it?



Dr. Maggie Yu is speaking with Leslie Savage today. She is a registered nurse who has struggled with rheumatoid arthritis and hormonal issues, but is now in her final week of Dr. Yu’s Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program. Leslie has had to deal with a lot of pain issues. She was going to her chiropractor three to four times a week just to be able to keep working her job. After being referred to a rheumatologist, she was diagnosed with RA. Leslie was offered medication that would suppress her immune system, but because of the many germs in her workplace, she opted to not take them. She felt like this was going to be a career-ending diagnosis. Every day, Leslie would dread going to work because even something as simple as writing was difficult for her. During the first week of being enrolled in Dr. Yu’s program, Leslie was already feeling better. She regained the ability to sleep and her gut issues were already starting to clear up because of the dietary changes that were recommended to her. By week f