Transform With Dr. Maggie Yu

Case Study: 30 Years of Lupus and How Christina Is Changing It



We’re focusing today on how someone who has had lupus for thirty years can turn it around. Christina, with the help of Dr. Maggie Yu’s Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program, has overcome this lengthy struggle in just eight weeks. Since she was twelve-years-old, Christina has had lupus symptoms and eventually got diagnosed with the disease at age sixteen. She went through several doctors and medications in her life and felt that the lupus had begun to go into remission. Christina collected a few more diagnoses, including Sjogren’s syndrome, and about three years ago she suddenly had trouble swallowing. One day, she felt like she couldn’t swallow and all and had to go on an all liquid diet. Some treatments allowed her to eat food again, but even so, her options were limited; she would often eat just a plain baked potato when out to supper with her husband. Because she has graduated from Dr. Yu’s program, Christina says that she now wakes up feeling like she is rested. Sleep has been an issue for