Transform With Dr. Maggie Yu

Case Study: Autoimmune Hepatitis, A Young Mother’s Victory



Gabe has been dealing with autoimmune hepatitis, Hashimoto’s, IBS, and colitis. She joins Dr. Maggie Yu in this episode to discuss how she has turned this around over the past year via the Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program. For years, Gabe had been trying to get diagnosed but her symptoms did not precisely fit into what doctors required for a diagnosis. Now thirty-seven, she began searching for a diagnosis when she was sixteen. Gabe had sought help from several gastroenterologists, even traveling to some outside of the country. We learn that the doctors felt an attitude towards Gabe of “if she has been dealing with these symptoms for so long, then they can’t be very bad.” Dr. Yu explains that this thought process is a professional bias; assumptions that doctors make based on very little information. Gabe felt like she was being diminished. Recently graduating from the eight-week Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally program, Gabe shares the outcomes that she has experienced. Her stomach ha