My Life My Choice

Green Is 4 Life: A Guide To Experiencing Green Smoothies



Green Is 4 Life: A Complete Guide To Experiencing The Vitality of Green Smoothies.  Available 12/20/2012 Greens, as in the vital light to dark colored leafy vegetables that are the bane of many people’s lives, have been proven to have tremendous health giving properties.   “Yuck!  Really!?  You eat that!?”  Or as in my case “you drink that!?”  Sludge, mud and many other unflattering things, along with physical shudders and scathing looks have been the reactions to “my life giving green smoothies.  Today, I want to share how easy it is to create and integrate delicious healthy greens smoothies made with life giving vegetables. Along with the launch of my eBook, Green Is 4 Life: A Complete Guide To Experiencing The Vitality of Green Smoothies.  Available for download formats.  December 20th 2012 Green Smoothies are an excellent way to optimize your health.  They act as a multifaceted supports system that can trigger your innate healing response.   In addition to creating a foundation for healthy, vibrant cel