My Life My Choice

Green Is 4 Life: A Guide To Green Smoothies Part 2



In part 2 we continue to look at the fact that green smoothies can change your life in ways that you can't even imagine. When you balance the body, the mind and spirit MUST follow.  That is the Universal law of action and reaction. Green Smoothies are an excellent way to optimize your health.  They act as a multifaceted supports system that can trigger your innate healing response.   In addition to creating a foundation for healthy, vibrant cell regeneration they also, by virtue of the “alive and life” giving plant based structure, create harmony between the tri-core, the mind, body and spirit.  And this is where we want to go.  Our guest this week is Patricia Winlow, High School counselor who decided to conduct a 30 day green smoothie fast to recalibrate and support her body with her desire to conceive.  Patricia will share her experiences with you. Join us, Dr Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we continue to delve into the Green Is 4 Life and power of green smoothies.