My Life My Choice

Do Past Lives Exist and Does Reincarnation Really Happen?



There is a lot of controversy surrounding past lives and reincarnation.  You have the camps who are staunchly, for, and against.  Then you have the scientific camp.  They try really hard to correlate people’s account of past lives and reincarnation with a simple memory recall of something that they had overheard in this life time. There is much evidence to support the theory of past lives and reincarnation.  The most well known historical figure could be Christ or and present day His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet.   Whether you believe or not, what is fascinating is the possibilities and what past lives and reincarnation could mean to, you and your spiritual growth.                                          Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and expression coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we explore the past lives and reincarnation and what that can might mean to you.