My Life My Choice

I Don’t Do Poverty Well: Being Broke Is No Joke



Money!  You may associate the lack of money with poverty or living a lifestyle that you don’t want.  Poverty or being broke as a joke is a state of mind that has manifested.  By the time you are aware that you are in dire financial straits, it’s already too late.  Lack of money is the effect of the cause…it’s not the cause of the effect or lack... your thinking is.  The Laws of Attraction don’t work.  If you could do one thing, that doesn’t require you to do anything illegal or morally wrong, to change your finances to get “them” where you want “them” to be, would you do it?  Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we talk about what you can do to change your financial status.