My Life My Choice

Can You Keep Your Secret? The Universal Law of Secrecy



Can you keep your secret? Can you?  And Do you? There is a Universal Law of Secrecy that when invoked acts as a contingency plan to your manifestation happening and or happening in a smooth way.  Secrecy, in regard to manifesting goes beyond not telling what you are doing or being private.   It means “to be done without others having knowledge of it.”  This doesn’t means someone saying to you “I knew something was up…I just didn’t know what!”  It’s more like when your spouse of significant other blindsides you and calmly states, “I want out.  And I am leaving!   Whoa!  That came out of nowhere.  When did you decide to do this?”  And the response is “I’ve been thinking about this for the last year!” Now that’s a secret! Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at secrecy you and the Laws of Attraction.