My Life My Choice

Is There A Difference Between Your Biological Family and Your Spiritual Family?



There is a saying that states “your family can be a blessing or a curse!” Is there a difference between your biological family and your spiritual family?  In essence, the answer to that is no, there isn’t.  Yet, how each individual shows up in your life and the functions that they have agreed to perform are very, very different.  The indoctrinated ideals, along with the do’s and don’ts that you have been taught regarding our traditional biological family, if not understood has the potential to undermine your life. Both biological and spiritual members of your family play a key and powerful role in influencing your decision making process as well as holding sacred space for you. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we take a look at family and what that means.