My Life My Choice

Do Our Thoughts Really Manifest Into Physical Things?



This question, “do my thoughts become physical things?” is a dilemma that many people face and ponder.  People associate things that happen in their life with being unlucky or lucky, hit or miss or the right or wrong timing, even being in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time.  Yet life and living is more organized than that.  Mystics and teachers throughout the ages have taught the philosophy behind Universal Law or spiritual law of manifesting .  From secret organizations to the world of the internet we’ve been told that thoughts, your thoughts can and will become physical things. This concept on the surface appears to be difficult for people to embrace, yet we do this all the time.  The reality you are currently living in started out as a thought that you had, whether you choose to believe this or not, it’s a Universal Law. Consciously change your thoughts and you change the world you live in. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist