My Life My Choice

I Want To Know What Love Is Don't You?



The word love is generally used to describe a myriad of deep feelings that you have for people, places and things.  Because you are unique your definition and my definition of love and all its feelings will differ.  And rightly so, yet still, when you say that you love me or this book or that dish, I know what you mean, simply because I will use my standard or definition of love to define what your meaning is.  Ironically, using your standard to define my meaning of what love is has been the demise of many relationships. And will continue to do so until we redefine the meaning of love. Beyond the norm that we know to be associated with the word love it is actually an immutable Universal Law whose definition is all about transmutation or “movement of change.” The Universal Law of Love isn’t about the warm and fuzzies or the cold and frigid, it’s all about supporting change.  Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at Love in all its glory.