My Life My Choice

Why Aren't My Prayers Or Affirmations Working?



There is a right way to pray and a wrong way to pray.  Affirmations, much like prayers have a right and wrong approach too.  Praying and affirming both use the power of your spoken word, along with intention and attention for a desired out come.  When it doesn’t happen or turnout the way in which you wanted you’re left wondering, “What happen?  Why didn’t God help me?  Why didn’t the Universe manifest what I wanted?”  You’ve been told that all you have to do is pray and ask for what you want or affirm what you want hundreds of times a day and you’ll get it. WRONG! WRONG!! WRONG!!!  If it were that simple your life would be exactly the way in which you want it.  Yet, ironically it is as simple as that when done the right way. Click here to download your free PDF Worksheet outlining how to affirm and pray to get the results you want. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look a