My Life My Choice

What Are You Really Trying To Tell Yourself?



Join us live by clicking the link or by calling in 646-727-2759 Everything that happens in our lives, including the if I wouldha, shouldha and couldha’s is supplying us with life changing information. This information is used as a foundation from which we base many things, including, but not limited to our emotional responses to life, but ultimately the choices we choose to make. There are times in your life where you may have flown off the handle or become unglued about a seemingly minor incident. Even you, after calming down, find yourself saying, “Wow! That was a little OTT (over the top). Umm I guess I’m more stressed out than I thought I was.” Your physical, mental or emotional auto-response, to any given situation supplies you with a live stream of intelligence. This creates a wonderful dynamic in which you get to use your response to find clarity for your choice making process. So what are you really trying to tell yourself by the action and reaction you have to life? Join me,