My Life My Choice

Isn't This How The Laws of Attraction Works?



It’s helpful having an understanding of how the Universal Laws of Attraction work together, whether you are wanting to use them consciously or not. The Laws of Attraction are natural Laws, Spiritual Laws, God’s Laws or your chosen deity’s Laws. These Laws are immutable and exacting by nature.  These two facts, immutable and exacting, say it all when it comes to the Universal Laws and how things unfold in our lives.   They, the Laws, exhibit the true meaning of detached involvement.  You see, the Laws are unemotional, unbiased and detached.  The Laws careless about gender, race, age, finances, good, bad, infirmities, diseases, disorders and believe it or not our spiritual or religious beliefs.  And yet, each Law individually and collectively are very, very much involved in our lives.   The Laws have one function and one function only.