My Life My Choice

Are Your Life Situations Sending You Important Messages?



Figuring out the message that your life’s situations are telling you, no matter how joyous or hurtful, is really a process of decoding.  For you, it will take practice not to continue to fall into a cycle of emotional highs and lows.  Your emotional roller coaster keeps your situations negatively or positively charged, which results in smoking mirrors, uncertainty and confusion.   And that can be a challenge when making choices in the best interest of self or making choices to manifest what you want.  You need objectivity!  Without objectivity it’s virtually impossible to decode your situation.  Your decoding process starts with being able to detach emotionally from your situation, yet remain involved enough to be connected.  As intrinsic coaches, we call this skill detached involvement.  Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert, and Laws of Attraction coach and Olivia Lashley Expression and Laws of Attraction Coach as we explore the benefits of decoding your life’s situation.