My Life My Choice

It’s Not What You Know It’s Who You Know; Isn’t It?



For those of you on the journey of finding self, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is a cold hard fact.  In truth, it’s not who you know, it’s how you apply what you know, to experience the conscious manifestation of what you want for your life.  You can have all the knowledge in the world, yet if it is not applied in the right way, it’s just knowledge. It’s a little like faith without works or inspired action, is dead.    The saying, “It’s not what you know, but it’s who you know” for many is a fact.  A vast majority of people from around the world are living their lives like this and don’t even realize it. And as a result, they continuously experience cyclic detriment.  Life’s good for a while and then kaboom they appear to be back to square one, left standing in the rubble wondering, “what the hell happened?” They are living a life that is one of total dependency and or inequitably interdependent on others for their success.    People have taken and cloaked themselves in this belief that someone