My Life My Choice

Do Angels And Spirit Guides Really Exist?



We are not alone.  We have never been and never will be.  There is help, support, guidance and wise counsel for everyone.  There is so much more happening in our lives than where we find ourselves at this moment.  Throughout the ages there have been raging debates, that continues to this day, as to whether or not angels and spirit guides are real.  Are these heavenly beings’ figments of our imagination or just the stuff that mythological legends are made of?  Interestingly, all cultures and denomination tell of angels in their spiritual texts. We have all incarnated into this current existence with our own personal posse.  That’s right, our very own celestial entourage that has been picked to support us in fulfilling our destine purpose.   My suggestion is before you categorically say no, do your own due diligence.  Do this by examining, with detached objectivity magical or miraculous events or feats that have occurred in your life.  Things that you know that have happened to you that defy reason, logic and a