My Life My Choice

Your Subconscious Mind Doesn’t Get the Punch line of The Joke



Understanding the function of your subconscious mind is a powerful key that helps you get what you want in life.  Your subconscious mind operates just like the hard drive found on your PC or the OS or IOS iPhone Operating System on your mobile phone, tablets and iPads.  Your subconscious mind doesn’t get the punch line of a joke, understand slang, sarcasm, colloquialisms or rhetorical talk.  It only understands what you tell it, verbatim.  It only takes action to manifest what you tell it to do.  There are several ways to communicate directly with your subconscious mind; talking directly to yourself with intention.  Through unchecked self-talk and runaway thoughts and what you believe and or are passionate about. When communicating with your subconscious mind you must be very specific. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Laws of Attraction In Action Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression and Laws of Attraction Coach as we look at you and the power of your subconscious mind.