Survival Medicine

Survival Medicine Hour: Larry Keilberg of SelfDefenseFund, Diabetes, more



Survival Medicine Hour, September 23, 2016, with Joe and Amy Alton. We discuss the prevalent market on Ebay for fake C.A.T tourniquets, and a couple things to look out for. The increasing epidemic of diabetes, and what the world might look like if we make changes and if we don't. The World Health Organization announced a 4-fold increase in the number of diabetic diagnoses in the past 35 years. If you plan to defend you or your family from harm, through self defense, using ANY item, whether gun, knife, a lamp or even hands, this interview with Larry Keilberg may provide your best protection from going to jail. When force is used, deadly or otherwise, the police and court systems are not always quick to render you innocent. Long trials and expensive defense teams can ruin your life. The offers a very reasonable policy to cover you and family members in the case of self defense. From expert testimony, top lawyers and a team of defense planning, you will be defended by the best. Larry Keilber