Sex Work Bb

Taking Sex Work Mainstream with Jane Wilde-SWBB0037



The umbrella of sex work is so incredibly vast. Knowing you want to be a sex worker, doesn't mean that you know what kind of sex work you want to do. Some people start and are not happy where they began , or do not feel they are doing as well as they would like..fortunately enough! We have so many other options! This was the case for Jane Wilde, a camgirl turned porn star. Its a transition that from the outside can appear scary or overwhelming...or sound crazy exciting and you just have no clue where to start. That is why I asked Jane to come on and share all of her wisdom and knowledge. She has only been in mainstream pornography for a short while, but her face is popping up everywhere, she is incredibly happy and honest with how she got here and how other people can get there. We discuss how to make sure you are happy, learning to find what you love, being proud of sex work, enjoying all the benefits of living in your own self, not trying to please anyone else, or pretend to be something you aren't..the lis