Health Talk With Dr. Diane Md

Lisa Rosati: Healthy Holistic Weight Loss



Passionista and Visionary Lisa Marie Rosati is a renowned Inner Goddess Catalyst for women, Creator of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan + Sugar Free Goddess + Smithtown Weight Loss and co-author of the international best selling book – “Embracing Your Authentic Self”. Lisa mentors women around the world on how to become a Modern Day Goddess by consciously designing how to get their health back, balance their feminine and masculine energies, ignite the fire within their souls and live a luscious goddess life filled with passion, radiant health, entrepreneurial success and prosperity.   Listen as Lisa teaches how to have healthy, holistic, and successful weight loss.   Disclaimer:  the information presented is for educational purposes only and is not meant for diagnosis or treatment.  Please seek the advice of your health care provider before making any changes to your health.