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Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - More About Barley - Podcast #18



This week Martin and Scott discuss how properly absorbed minerals affect your health. This is a follow up to last week's podcast on liquified Barley. Improve Your Well Being and Life-Force Energy Liquified Barley Improve Your Well Being and Life-Force Energy Provides enormous stimulation for your body's healing and regenerating functions. The trace minerals are highly activated to nourish your blood and lymph, supporting your immune system. Made with highly energized Volixer Water, for nutrients to be thoroughly absorbed by digestion. Additional life-force (chi energy) from the energized Volixer Water stimulates and helps balance your energy meridians, increases your personal life force (joy/spirit), and strengthens your nervous system. Learn more about Volixer Water Chargers The whole grass is liquefied, roots and all, with the Volixer Raw Food Processing Technology (explained below), which extracts nutrients from the cells without heat or toxic solvents. The fibrous pulp is included, as it contains