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Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Digestive Flora - Podcast #24



Exsula Superfoods Strata-Flora Probiotics to Support Your Natural Immune System Tidy-Up Your Internal Environment with Strata-Flora. For a healthy, happy and vigorous long life. THE NEED: To reinforce your immune system which is coming under increasing assault from antibiotic-bred super-germs, as well as from entirely new germs and viruses arriving out of remote jungles and villages. Supermarket diets combined with years of casual use of laxatives and antibiotics have destroyed the beneficial digestive tract flora accumulated in your-family line during a thousand generations, leaving only the “meanest” antibiotic-proof bacterial strains to thrive in a wide-open and defenseless environment. Exsula Superfoods Strata-Flora Length: 21:44 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Life Enthusiast Reviews and 5 star ratings If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO A FRIEND” At The Bottom Of This Podcast