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Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Laminar Crystal Secrets to Vitality Revealed - Podcast #32



Dave & Brian Savedra join Martin and Scott and discuss the energetic properties of Laminar Crystals. Have you stopped to think about the energetic qualities of the food you eat and the water you drink? The quality of water you drink is critically important for your cellular function, affecting every biological process in your body. Brian and David Savedra, identical twins who spent many years researching subtle energies and energetic medicine, were introduced to Twilight America products and fell in love with the idea of restoring vitality to fluids (food, water, essential oils & skin care). Brian and David possess the right combination of patience and curiosity, and kept working for several years to develop a workable method of building ceramic objects, that deliver on the Laminar Crystal's promise - energized water, the water of life, the dew that restores vitality to all living things created in practical everyday objects. Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy