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Flu Season, Thanksgiving and Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #44



digg_url = ''; It is officially the Flu season. Learn what you can do to keep the flu bugs at bay. And it's probably nothing you ever considered. Learn about Flu Brew Increase Your Immune System To Destroy Viruses A compound for influenza onset, and full flu involvement. The flu results from a multitude of different viruses which can give varying symptoms. Antibiotics have no effect on flu viruses. Herbs, however, can increase the strength of the immune system and destroy the viruses. Major uses are: bronchitis, catarrh (naso-pharyngeal), colds, decongestant, diarrhea (bacterial), fever, flu onset & flu, immune system support enhancer, infection fighter, stomach flu. Properties include: anti-viral, anti-bacterial, alterative, bitter, arminative, circulatory, cooling, diaphoretic, and stimulant. Learn more about Flu Brew Multi-Nutrient Supplement To Boost Nutrient Assimilation This supplement enables your nutrient assimilation &