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Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #45



digg_url = ''; This week Martin and Scott discuss Mercury and Martin's recent experiences with his dentist. To learn more about Mercury: Life Enthusiast Coop. Remove Toxic Metals Yes, you can detoxify yourself from heavy metals. Clinical studies have shown that Platinum Plus (along with other missing nutrients) quickly and efficiently removes toxic metals, and taken prophylactically, keeps them out of your body. Poisonous metals such as Mercury, Aluminium, Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, have been shown residing in the body even when blood, hair, and urine show none. Detoxification is essential in today's poisoned world. You can heal many discomforts & diseases, eliminate heavy metal toxicity, and repair damaged tissue. This formula provides free form amino acids to break down your dietary protein from long chain proteins, into individual amino acids. SuperNutrient Corp Platinum Plus, Amino Acids Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton di