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Organic Farming in the City: A New Revolution | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #73



The Dervaes family runs Path to Freedom, an urban homesteading project, in Pasadena. Since the '80s the family has transformed their city lot into an organic permaculture garden. The yard features more than 350 varieties of plants which are either edible or used for other purposes. The garden supplies the family with their food year round. The family sells some of their greens to local restaurants. Doing this gives them money to purchase solar panels and energy efficient appliances. The solar panels provide their home with power and they use a solar oven to cook food on sunny days. (Note: news segment mistakenly mentions the goats were producing milk. They ARE dairy goats and can produce milk, but like all mammals, they only lactate when pregnant or nursing babies. We haven't bred our two goats yet. ) Watch YouTube News Video: